Four Common Challenges Employees Face When Filing Workers’ Compensation in Seattle

Employees depend on workers’ compensation for protection when they sustain a workplace injury or illness. But navigating this system can be exhausting and possible pitfalls can hinder you from getting the benefits you deserve. Thankfully, a workers compensation attorney can guide you each step of the way, helping you overcome the challenges you may come across. These challenges include the following:

Reporting Delays

After a workplace injury in Seattle, you need to report the accident that caused it to your employer as soon as possible. Although you have one year from the accident to report a workplace injury or two years to report a work-related illness, acting as quickly as possible is important while you can still access evidence. Also, time flies quickly while you are busy worrying about your injuries and everyday expenses without access to immediate sources of funds. To ensure you don’t miss the deadline for file a workers’ comp claim, ensure you have an attorney by your side.

Lack of Medical Evidence

Usually, insurance providers scrutinize medical records to find inconsistencies that can be used to reduce or deny benefits. Also, not picking the right doctor can result in biased evaluations that can ruin your case. Your employer or their insurer may claim that you are faking, exaggerating or downplaying your injuries. In this case, you should call an attorney who can help you secure thorough medical documentation to support your claim to avoid misinterpretation.

Claim Denial

There are many reasons workers’ comp claims can be denied. Denials can occur due to minor technicalities or complex disputes over what caused an injury. With a denied claim, you may feel defeated, not sure about what to do next. Also, it can put you in a tough financial position without a source of income to pay your medical bills while you cannot work. 

A skilled workers’ comp attorney knows the tactics that insurers commonly use to deny claims. They know how to counter these tactics, ensuring you are not deprived of the compensation you badly need. 

Pre-Existing Conditions

A pre-existing medical condition can be a cause of dispute in workers’ comp claims. The insurer will argue that your injury is associated with this pre-existing condition, not a job-related accident. Before you file a worker’s comp claim, make sure you talk to an attorney first. Your attorney can help you collect evidence that can establish the link between your job injury and the worsening of your pre-existing condition. 

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